Normally, I don't adhere to horoscopes, but they're fun to look at. As of late, mine have been saying some really key things. Today, I felt a need to post this one:
People more powerful than any you've known will enter your life over the next decade, forcing you to reassess your priorities. This may take a while to notice, but it can begin as you get involved with new social groups or organizations. Not surprisingly, as your friends change, so will your world. Even if you cannot yet fathom what's ahead, just remember to voluntarily let go of the past when it's time. Struggling to hold on to the wrong things can exhaust you when you need your energy for something more important.
I'm excited for the future.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
So i am sick at the moment, but just wanted to stop in and write something.
I am excited for thanksgiving, going on a road trip and seeing my family.
Good times indeed.
I just wanted to say I have the greatest two best friends in the world. :-)
ok, i'll write a real post next time.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
So, those who know me closely know that I have moved near downtown kc.
I have to say that I have two awesome roommates. They're both Christian, and they both are pretty laid back like myself. Tonight we all just hung out and watch the Texas vs. Texas Tech game and chatted about whatever. It's finally great to be able to do that in my own home without feeling pressured to.
Although I just met these two cats, I have to say it's much easier to talk to them because we all share the same morals and values. I can't even begin to tell you how the past year I was involved in such a secular lifestyle and people that contradicted a lot of what I stood for.
I've had my share of mediocre roommates, and if I did have a choice and the money available, I'd probably live by myself. But this is the first time I've lived with people who are actively living a Christian lifestyle, so it's refreshing to say the least. In other news...I've met a wonderful girl.
I'll talk about her more later I'm sure, but it is completely, completely amazing how one person makes you forget about everything else that is wrong with the world.
It's almost as if all the drama, and let-downs from other people never existed at all. I just want to remain in this spot forever. Freaking amazing, you think about all the wasted emotion you spend on things - but when you can apply it to something or someone who appreciates it, it makes the whole world seem that much brighter. I feel free, I feel at peace, and I am loved.
One of my friends told me the other day, "we support you Lonnie". Hah, I just about cried. In a world where people are fickle, and friendships are more counterfeit than anything...a person who declares something like that and means it- invaluable.
I had a pre-emancipation party with my good friends Behnaz, Allyson, Justin, and one of my best friends Kyle. Here are some pictures from that night.

Was totally a great time, and I am awesomely addicted to Houlihan's "shrooms" they were huge.
Next time I'll write about New York, or at least show some pictures of myself around times square - it pretty much was a life long dream come true, in the sense that I got to actually pose in front of times square. I didn't get to see the naked cowboy, but i did ride the subway and meet some interesting people.
So I'm headed back to Wichita this week again, I went last week and met up with my friend Tim and his wife. They took me to this small italian pizzaria which was freaking fantastic.
Sometimes I have to stop and Thank God with how blessed I am. Through the mist of my tribulations I have found a shining light that reinforces who I am and what he is capable of bringing me through.
I have so much to look forward to. I suppose it took weeding out everything that was holding me back.
Next time, New york pictures....
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