Change of Pace

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I'm taking a break from this blog...I'll be back, but in the meantime check out my other blog:

Ramblings from an Urban Samurai


Long time coming

Monday, August 24, 2009


Wow, It's been a good minute since I've written anything in this blog.

But i have some new stuff to talk about...details later.

Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup

Monday, February 16, 2009


So last night we had a grilled cheese and tomato soup party. Which was pretty excellent. Not only because the food was freaking fantastic, I got to spend it with my Nerd crew. Originally, I was supposed to meet my friend Kyle's gf who was visiting, but she didn't make it. Nevertheless it was a great time.

So a lot of fun things coming up!

  • Heading to Dallas
  • Street Fighter IV tournament
  • DnD group getting together
  • Trip to Chicago
  • Warmer weather = Tennis!
  • Planning some more movie marathons

I think what helps is that I got a few people who are down to do these kinds of things. But then some weekends, it's awesome that i can hang out with folks and do absolutely nothing and it totally cool.

In the meantime, picking Korean back up, and doing a little kite shopping. Also, been looking at different camping gear for this spring/summer. So anyone who wants to come, let me know.

If you haven't heard, the greatest game of all time has just came out. Street Fighter IV. And it is freaking amazing. My friend used certain words to express his excitement, but I will refrain from using them....haha although that's how I felt about the game too. So this weekend, plan to go hang out with some friends and play that all weekend, and geek out on it.

I'm excited for my Chicago trip that's being planned, taking a huge road trip with 7 people. I'm still trying to plan out my Ohio trip too...and with the influx of some money coming in ;). It seems very doable.

Life is great, sometimes I feel like it's almost a sin to feel this comfortable with the friends I have.

But I'm thankful. :-)

The Here and Now

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Greetings, wow...

I've been pretty neglectful about my blogging. There have been a lot of things going on though - great things.

My time as a recruiter for the community college is over, so I'm back to my normal position, but I ended up getting my friend a job there, so work is a lot more interesting, and still an awesome place to be. I have to say that I'm very blessed to have a job where people genuinely care about me being there. Some new developments? Well hair style has changed, and physically, i've gotten a bit bigger seeing as I stay on a consistent workout schedule-things are good though. I'm spending a lot of time writing new music, and just hanging out with my friends here in KC, which is probably the greatest thing I love about living here. The amount of people that really care about me.

I've gotten into a lot of awesome things in the past few months. I've never really been into dungeons and dragons but my friends turned me on to it for New years. Haha, i spent an awesome new years with some geeky people like myself and played D and D, video games and and just chilled.

Musically? Got a few things in the works, will talk more about that at a later date though. I've been really focusing on getting into Grad school, and figuring out what I want to focus on. Since I've been doing recruitment and going to some of the High Schools in the inner city area, it's help me realized that a lot of these kids need mentors, and legit advisors. Not only to give them advice about their future careers, but also to instill a sense of well-being into them. There were a lot of times where the mentality of some of the students I talked to was one of a self-defeatist nature.

If anything, I want to be that person that helps these kids get rid of their passive, "follow-the-leader" type lifestyle and help them realize what kind of person they are, their own person. Having confidence about who you are and where you fit into this world should come from yourself, not administered to you by others. Maybe I'm more keen to this type of behavior now because I know people who are like that...

I have to say that God has really been working on my heart. The past year instituted a rollercoaster of emotions and letdowns from people I trusted, but the remarkable thing, the absolute remarkable thing about it is that God has been there through it all, and I have not suffered. I was speaking to a friend today about how many activities people involve themselves in, drinking, smoking, drugs, having premarital sex - are ways to fill a void in their lives that only God can fill. It's a shame that it takes some people almost a lifetime to figure that out, and I often think to myself..."if you just stop running away from Him...and stop trying to look for love and acceptance in the wrong places."
All I can do is pray for those that I know are lost right now. People like to feel like they're part of "something" and are constantly engaging in groups or activities that bring about a sense of false satisfaction and acceptance.

On a much lighter note, I'm hosting an invader zim marathon with a few friends so I'm excited for that. In the next few weeks/months I want to start hosting a lot of fun events for myself and my friends, and anyone who wants to join in. I am a big fan of fellowship and togetherness. I've been blessed to find that through my church, and through my coffee meetups with various people here.

Alllllsoooooo...I am going to start hitting up some indie films at the tivoli and what not. It's been great to get back into my love of movies, music and yes...anime.

Sadly, i dont 'think i'll get an xbox360 before february 19th. It's just as one wants to battle a street fighter champion. :-)
