Significant Horoscope

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Normally, I don't adhere to horoscopes, but they're fun to look at. As of late, mine have been saying some really key things. Today, I felt a need to post this one:

People more powerful than any you've known will enter your life over the next decade, forcing you to reassess your priorities. This may take a while to notice, but it can begin as you get involved with new social groups or organizations. Not surprisingly, as your friends change, so will your world. Even if you cannot yet fathom what's ahead, just remember to voluntarily let go of the past when it's time. Struggling to hold on to the wrong things can exhaust you when you need your energy for something more important.

I'm excited for the future.


Friday, November 14, 2008


So i am sick at the moment, but just wanted to stop in and write something.

I am excited for thanksgiving, going on a road trip and seeing my family.

Good times indeed.

I just wanted to say I have the greatest two best friends in the world. :-)

ok, i'll write a real post next time.


Saturday, November 1, 2008


So, those who know me closely know that I have moved near downtown kc.
I have to say that I have two awesome roommates. They're both Christian, and they both are pretty laid back like myself. Tonight we all just hung out and watch the Texas vs. Texas Tech game and chatted about whatever. It's finally great to be able to do that in my own home without feeling pressured to.
Although I just met these two cats, I have to say it's much easier to talk to them because we all share the same morals and values. I can't even begin to tell you how the past year I was involved in such a secular lifestyle and people that contradicted a lot of what I stood for.
I've had my share of mediocre roommates, and if I did have a choice and the money available, I'd probably live by myself. But this is the first time I've lived with people who are actively living a Christian lifestyle, so it's refreshing to say the least. In other news...I've met a wonderful girl.
I'll talk about her more later I'm sure, but it is completely, completely amazing how one person makes you forget about everything else that is wrong with the world.
It's almost as if all the drama, and let-downs from other people never existed at all. I just want to remain in this spot forever. Freaking amazing, you think about all the wasted emotion you spend on things - but when you can apply it to something or someone who appreciates it, it makes the whole world seem that much brighter. I feel free, I feel at peace, and I am loved.
One of my friends told me the other day, "we support you Lonnie". Hah, I just about cried. In a world where people are fickle, and friendships are more counterfeit than anything...a person who declares something like that and means it- invaluable.
I had a pre-emancipation party with my good friends Behnaz, Allyson, Justin, and one of my best friends Kyle. Here are some pictures from that night.

Was totally a great time, and I am awesomely addicted to Houlihan's "shrooms" they were huge.
Next time I'll write about New York, or at least show some pictures of myself around times square - it pretty much was a life long dream come true, in the sense that I got to actually pose in front of times square. I didn't get to see the naked cowboy, but i did ride the subway and meet some interesting people.
So I'm headed back to Wichita this week again, I went last week and met up with my friend Tim and his wife. They took me to this small italian pizzaria which was freaking fantastic.
Sometimes I have to stop and Thank God with how blessed I am. Through the mist of my tribulations I have found a shining light that reinforces who I am and what he is capable of bringing me through.
I have so much to look forward to. I suppose it took weeding out everything that was holding me back.
Next time, New york pictures....

Tailgating and the Cheifs Win over the Donke- err Broncos

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


So going to skip a few weeks and talk about the Cheifs game I went to that I was invited to by my friend James.

James is a great guy, I've honestly never met anyone with a more positive outlook on life. When I'm feeling like crap I'm just around this guy 5 minutes and I'm having a good time.

So we went in the infamous RV - "Gary" as he likes to be called. Loaded up with a bunch of great friends. Some good food, and a lot of alcohol. Despite everything that had been going on at that point, I managed to have a great time. I invited my good friend Brian that I used to work with, when I was a project manager for a short time. It's always good to have him around :-)

My friend Behnaz, and her bf Justin stopped by too. We were parked at the way back because of the I had to go take a journey and find them. Took forever and a day, and everyone else got their good share of food and drinks while i escorted those two to the RV. hahah. It's all good though.

If you don't know anything about the Broncos, it can be said that there's a huuge rivalry between them and ourselves. It was pretty evident once we got there. There was a lot of love between cheifs fans, but Broncos...psh. I felt sorry for my friend Behnaz, she got confused and wore the wrong Jersey, apparently so did Justin. :-)
Here's Tanner and Jameson again. There was no evidence of falling trains, so Jameson looks a bit relaxed this time. Hmm, I realize that I don't have a picture of Cody...but he was there. He was hanging around with Adam and I think they went on a drunk walk.

Here's a picture of Me and Adam. There's a lot that could be said about how things have been between us. But, I love the guy dearly, and I'll always consider him a best friend, even if he doesn't feel that way anymore. Not sure if he'll ever see this, but was great hangin out with you that day man...and I hope that things eventually work out between us and I'm always here.

So on to the game! I can't give good play by play actions, all I have is a few pictures of the stadium, and I think I caught a picture of the Broncos and Cheifs fans who were getting into it. It was Unbelievably hot...I was about 2 min away from just sitting in the stands naked.

* I'd just like to note that Tanner suggested that first* HAHAH. But was that hot.

Above: James and emily, Me and my buddy Brian - yah i decided to wear a hot black jersey- Go me. -_-.
I ended up forgetting what the score was...all i know was that it was a good time and can't wait to do it again. The cheifs are sucking right now, but they're my team. It's great to see all those people together cheering for a common goal - to Win, and that they did. I hear Behnaz had a hard time getting out of the stadium...and saw a few scuffles in the parking lot. But overall, order was kept and things were great.
So cheers to a great weekend, and the people that made that possible.

Boston and Anime Heaven

Thursday, October 16, 2008



so I've been procrastinating for a while writing about this Boston blog. But mainly it's because I've been so preoccupied with freaking EVERYTHING. Gosh..i got some good pictures and videos to post though so stay with me.

Well I got a chance to tour the east coast with the band I was in and one of the places we stayed in was in Cambridge, MA. - home to Harvard and MIT. I have to say I was a little overwhelmed by the campus itself, it was beautiful. At the same time, it did have this sort of...pretentiousness to it. Regardless, i was able to spend a little time by myself and take in some of the sights, so here are some pictures of Cambridge Square, and the college itself:

Yah...normally I'd have these pictures surrounding the text and looking all pretty and stuff, but I feel like I want to move on from these and get to posting the current stuff. Although Boston was an amazing city and I could see myself fitting in there great, it is way too expensive. But everyone was really friendly, I liked performing there.

In the shopping area around Harvard I happened upon the greatest store I've seen in a long time.

Ladies and gentlemen...prepare to be geeeeeked out.

I visited Tokyo Kid...which had to have almost every pocky flavor I could imagine. I can't even begin to tell you - I spent 3 hours in this place, talking with this girl who was hating on my anime choices, she was really about to get a dragon kick to her head...but i withheld myself. Instead I just cast a level 10 spell on her.

Yah, when i start casting's pretty much time for you to cash in your retirement. Because that's how I roll.

I will let the pictures speak for themselves- the glory that is... Tokyo Kid.


At some later dates I'll touch on more from my east coast trips...New York was amazing, and I'm already making plans to go back and visit.

I have to tell you though...there is nothing that compares to the feeling of returning home. Kansas city is the first place that I've called home. It seems as if I just keep meeting incredible people. I've also met a lot of great people on my travels in the past few weeks...and more on that later as well.

Everything is quite unstructured at this point because my head is swimming with all the new developments that are going on. It is sooo exciting though.

Until next time....more videos, more pictures...more geekiness. You were warned. You brought this on yourself.


More Truth

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


It is in administering grace and forgiveness to others that we find grace for ourselves. Even when they don't deserve it, even when they don't ask for it, we forgive them, because in doing so, we learn about the free gift of grace, which God applies so generously to our own failures and weaknesses.Be merciful. Do not judge or condemn. Forgive others. Give generously. And be filled.

All Glory to the Hypnotoad! ... and Fritz's.

Friday, September 26, 2008


What?...I didnt' mean to say that...or did I? The hypnotoad knows all. So the last week I had the pleasure of going to Fritz's at the Crown Center, and to the Royals game which is always a cool time. I love baseball.
I went with a bunch of good friends, and some new acquaintances.

Cody was heck-bent on seeing this place called Fritz's which in all honest I've never heard of but was really curious to see what the place was like. Turns out it's a train-themed restaurant. It was pretty awesome. hahah. I didn't order anything because I was flat broke, but then...i did get a hot dog at the royals game that we went to afterwards - which made no sense I agree Cody.

But Margaritas will impair your judgement ^_^.

Haha, but anyway, check out these videos from Fritz's the pure joy of our food being delivered speaks for itself.

Oh was that kind of fun. hahah man, seriously when someone thinks of things to do on a whim...those can be the best kind of times. So next stop was the royals game. It was pretty awesome as well considering the Royals beat freaking Seattle, or should i say pwned them. Two homeruns in the game...great times indeed.

hah, there's Tanner...great guy.

I seem to have cut off James in that picture. I'm not a master photographer, but when I get a decent camera and take a class in it, im sure they'll be ten times better.

I think that I live for these times, where I can spend moments with people that I get along with. Where I'm from doesn't matter, what I do doesn't's moreso they know what kind of person I am and that sticks out above anything else. I feel indebted to these people honestly.

So here's a crazy idea...who wants to go to Chicago? I am going to start planning a trip (cheaply of course) But heck, I've never had a real get away or vacation -places I've gone have usually been for work or otherwise. So It's definitely overdue for a break.

Some good news, I got a new position at my job as a Multicultural recruiter for the university - meaning my goal will be to get some diversity into JCCC, there's some but could always be more. But I'm really passionate about this sort of thing, and I think that it will be a great attribute when I am applying for grad school in the next year - This is definitely a chance for me to show my stuff so I'm really excited. It requires me to travel out of town a lot, but that's going to be cool as well, it's a different kind of position- one where I'll interact and devise different ways of gathering students for the college.

I love my job...and the place that I work, they're just like a second family to me. For me to be so far away from home I know so many people whom I feel close with. So I never feel lonely like I did in Seattle. There are bad things and flaky people everywhere, but I tell ya, you find a few people who are genuine and that can make a world of difference.

next times...tales from Boston.

Coffee, Music, and Munchkin

Sunday, September 21, 2008


The past weekend was great. I had been staying with my friend Jeremy and I had to get up a bit early because he was showing his condo to some potential buyers. - Well anyway, I called my friend Amos and went over to his house and ate a leftover breakfast skillet that he had cooked the night before. - yah, sometimes you gotta have breakfast at 11pm.

Anyways, the start to a great day, we got coffee at broadway cafe, and just had good conversation. i cannot remember the last time that I have felt so carefree. I just sat in a coffeehouse full of eclectic people, talking about life on a beautiful cloudy day.

After that went to this old skool' music store down the street. Was just good to take some time off and relax for a bit. How many of you have had a day where you feel totally unrestrained? It's the moments where I can be around people who truly enjoy my company where I feel as if nothing can go wrong in this world.

The one the way back, stopped at Blanc Burger in Westport - met up with Aaron and Chim. I need to make a point of how cool this place looks inside. I mean any place that serves french friends and onion rings in a tiny shpping car HAS to be cool.

Chim and Amos iono if anyone has heard of this show...but omg, it is so freaking hilarious.

haha i think imma go out on a limb and say that I will probaby be obsessed with this show. i spent a good two hours laughing my arse off. Michael Ian Black....hilarious. Actually they're all hilarious...but I had never sat down to actually watch the show. It's up there with Flight of the Conchords though.

I don't get a chance to watch much tv, but I am uber excited for one of my favorite shows starting bcak up on Monday - Heroes. Whoooooooooooo!. Despite how the last season ended due to the writer strike I'm anxiously awaiting to see where they're going to take this series. Hopefully it won't end up like the ill-fated "The 4400" series that used to show on the USA network. *sigh* - That show had show much potential, then the plot was just driven into the ground.

So ok, time to talk about something geeky/nerdy. Chim brought over this game called Munchkin. I had never heard of it actually, and to be honest i was kind of scared to get into something like it because I didn't think i'd be able to handle something with a whole lot of rules, but once I got into it it became really fun. I'd never played anything like it, but after a few rounds I was anxious to backstab someone. I was a dwarf, thief. ( the best combo imho)

sorry the pictures are kinda blurry.

It was a great time though. Can't wait to play again. The rest of the evening consisted of doing a show- nothing new about that, except that it was made evident to me at the show of how loved I am, and how many people really appreciate me for me. That's all I'm gonna say about that. I think that I am one blessed individual. I still don't regret ever coming to KC.

Next time: My adventure to Fritz, and the royal's game.

To paraphrase someone else's blog i read the other day. I am broke, but I am happy. I am rich in people. And my life is wonderful.