What?...I didnt' mean to say that...or did I? The hypnotoad knows all. So the last week I had the pleasure of going to Fritz's at the Crown Center, and to the Royals game which is always a cool time. I love baseball.
I went with a bunch of good friends, and some new acquaintances.
Cody was heck-bent on seeing this place called Fritz's which in all honest I've never heard of but was really curious to see what the place was like. Turns out it's a train-themed restaurant. It was pretty awesome. hahah. I didn't order anything because I was flat broke, but then...i did get a hot dog at the royals game that we went to afterwards - which made no sense I agree Cody.
But Margaritas will impair your judgement ^_^.
Haha, but anyway, check out these videos from Fritz's the pure joy of our food being delivered speaks for itself.
Oh was that kind of fun. hahah man, seriously when someone thinks of things to do on a whim...those can be the best kind of times. So next stop was the royals game. It was pretty awesome as well considering the Royals beat freaking Seattle, or should i say pwned them. Two homeruns in the game...great times indeed.
hah, there's Tanner...great guy.
I seem to have cut off James in that picture. I'm not a master photographer, but when I get a decent camera and take a class in it, im sure they'll be ten times better.
I think that I live for these times, where I can spend moments with people that I get along with. Where I'm from doesn't matter, what I do doesn't's moreso they know what kind of person I am and that sticks out above anything else. I feel indebted to these people honestly.
So here's a crazy idea...who wants to go to Chicago? I am going to start planning a trip (cheaply of course) But heck, I've never had a real get away or vacation -places I've gone have usually been for work or otherwise. So It's definitely overdue for a break.
Some good news, I got a new position at my job as a Multicultural recruiter for the university - meaning my goal will be to get some diversity into JCCC, there's some but could always be more. But I'm really passionate about this sort of thing, and I think that it will be a great attribute when I am applying for grad school in the next year - This is definitely a chance for me to show my stuff so I'm really excited. It requires me to travel out of town a lot, but that's going to be cool as well, it's a different kind of position- one where I'll interact and devise different ways of gathering students for the college.
I love my job...and the place that I work, they're just like a second family to me. For me to be so far away from home I know so many people whom I feel close with. So I never feel lonely like I did in Seattle. There are bad things and flaky people everywhere, but I tell ya, you find a few people who are genuine and that can make a world of difference.
next times...tales from Boston.
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