The past weekend was great. I had been staying with my friend Jeremy and I had to get up a bit early because he was showing his condo to some potential buyers. - Well anyway, I called my friend Amos and went over to his house and ate a leftover breakfast skillet that he had cooked the night before. - yah, sometimes you gotta have breakfast at 11pm.
Anyways, the start to a great day, we got coffee at broadway cafe, and just had good conversation. i cannot remember the last time that I have felt so carefree. I just sat in a coffeehouse full of eclectic people, talking about life on a beautiful cloudy day.

After that went to this old skool' music store down the street. Was just good to take some time off and relax for a bit. How many of you have had a day where you feel totally unrestrained? It's the moments where I can be around people who truly enjoy my company where I feel as if nothing can go wrong in this world.
The one the way back, stopped at Blanc Burger in Westport - met up with Aaron and Chim. I need to make a point of how cool this place looks inside. I mean any place that serves french friends and onion rings in a tiny shpping car HAS to be cool.

Chim and Amos iono if anyone has heard of this show...but omg, it is so freaking hilarious.

haha i think imma go out on a limb and say that I will probaby be obsessed with this show. i spent a good two hours laughing my arse off. Michael Ian Black....hilarious. Actually they're all hilarious...but I had never sat down to actually watch the show. It's up there with Flight of the Conchords though.
I don't get a chance to watch much tv, but I am uber excited for one of my favorite shows starting bcak up on Monday - Heroes. Whoooooooooooo!. Despite how the last season ended due to the writer strike I'm anxiously awaiting to see where they're going to take this series. Hopefully it won't end up like the ill-fated "The 4400" series that used to show on the USA network. *sigh* - That show had show much potential, then the plot was just driven into the ground.
So ok, time to talk about something geeky/nerdy. Chim brought over this game called Munchkin. I had never heard of it actually, and to be honest i was kind of scared to get into something like it because I didn't think i'd be able to handle something with a whole lot of rules, but once I got into it it became really fun. I'd never played anything like it, but after a few rounds I was anxious to backstab someone. I was a dwarf, thief. ( the best combo imho)
sorry the pictures are kinda blurry.

It was a great time though. Can't wait to play again. The rest of the evening consisted of doing a show- nothing new about that, except that it was made evident to me at the show of how loved I am, and how many people really appreciate me for me. That's all I'm gonna say about that. I think that I am one blessed individual. I still don't regret ever coming to KC.
Next time: My adventure to Fritz, and the royal's game.
To paraphrase someone else's blog i read the other day. I am broke, but I am happy. I am rich in people. And my life is wonderful.